3 Reasons To Schedule A Doctor Office Visit
There are many people that don't go to the doctor. Maybe they don't go because they feel they are healthy or their symptoms will go away on its own. Or maybe they avoid the doctor because they fear something is wrong and they are too afraid to find out what it is. No matter what the reason, there are definitely times they shouldn't put off going to the doctor any longer. Here are three convincing reasons to schedule a doctor office visit.
1. You Don't Remember the Last Time You Have Seen a Doctor
Do you even remember the last time you saw a doctor? If you don't, then it's probably time to schedule a doctor office visit. If you're an adult that is not yet 50 and are in relatively good health, you can probably get by with seeing a doctor just once every three years.
However, once you turn 50, you should consider going every year. As the body ages, it begins to show signs of wear and tear, which means it's more likely to get sick. Once you do see a doctor, they will help you determine how often you need to come in for routine checkups.
2. You Are Experiencing Certain Symptoms
It's normal to experience symptoms of an infection or other type of illness every now and then. In many cases, these symptoms eventually go away on their own. However, there are certain symptoms you should never ignore. Some of these symptoms include:
- Chest pain
- Severe headache
- Weakness on one side of the body
- Shortness of breath
- Swelling in the ankles or legs
- Blood in the urine or feces
These symptoms could signify a very serious medical condition. If you experience any of these symptoms, you should schedule a doctor office visit or go to the urgent care clinic.
3. It's Time for a Preventive Screening
Preventive screenings are another reason to schedule a visit. Doctors perform these types of examinations to help find health issues early, which makes them easier to treat. Some of the most common preventive screenings check for diseases such as osteoporosis, diabetes, and sexually transmitted infections. Doctors perform other types of preventive screenings to check for the early onset of certain cancers, such as:
- Cervical cancer
- Breast cancer
- Prostate cancer
- Colon cancer
- Lung cancer
These preventive screenings usually involve a physical exam, as well as certain lab and diagnostic tests. Your doctor will let you know at what age you should receive these preventive screenings and how often you should get one.