How Does Body Weight Affect Facelifts?

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A facelift can make you look younger, rejuvenated and refreshed. Body weight before surgery and weight fluctuations after surgery can impact the success of the procedure and overall satisfaction with the results. Many patients wonder about the effect of weight changes on their new and improved look. Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight will help to keep you looking your best for years after your surgery.

Should I lose weight before getting a facelift?

For the best surgical outcomes, patients should be in good health, which includes being at a healthy weight. If you are considering facelift surgery and need or want to lose weight, try to take off the extra pounds before scheduling your procedure. Discuss your weight loss plans with the surgeon and schedule another consultation when you have reached your weight loss goal.

How does excess weight affect facelift surgery?

A high body mass index correlates to an increased risk of complications during facelift surgery, such as inflammation, infection, pain and fluid build-up. Keeping your BMI below 30 decreases your risk.

What is the recommended weight range for a facelift?

Getting to within 10 pounds of your ideal weight before a facelift is likely to yield the best results. Keep in mind that "ideal" does not have to align with a number on a medical chart. Your ideal weight should be a stable weight range that you can maintain long term.

What if I lose weight after a facelift?

Losing a significant amount of weight after a facelift could result in sagging skin. Weight loss causes you to lose volume in your face, just like any other part of your body. If fat deposits in the face decrease, the skin has less tissue to support it. The result is looser skin with less elasticity and a somewhat deflated appearance. Losing weight slowly at a rate of no more than 1 to 2 pounds per week minimizes the effect on your skin.

What if I gain weight after a facelift?

Gaining a significant amount of weight after your surgery can interfere with the results of your facelift. During a facelift, the surgeon positions the skin, tissues and fat deposits to achieve the desired affect. Gaining too much weight and adding to the fat deposits in your face changes your appearance. If you lose weight quickly after gaining it, you may end up with sagging skin and need additional procedures to correct the problem.
